Maximize Your Greatest Resource… Your Team!
Are you ready to take your company to the next level?
Select from the workshops listed below. Or, we can custom design a program to best serve your group.

Company Mission / Vision Statement Workshop
Having a Mission/Vision Statement created by your entire team that is alive throughout the company will be the foundation for a new success level.
Purpose: To create (or revise) a powerful, meaningful Mission/Vision Statement that shapes your company's culture.
Who: Top management plus (depending on your company's size) one or more employees from each department will participate in the workshop. Every employee will participate in the process over several weeks.
Time: Half Day Workshop plus follow up meetings to include input from the entire company.
Complete Current Year / Design Next Year Workshop
Stop and powerfully complete last year before you move into the new year.
Purpose: To powerfully complete the current year (including identifying strengths and areas to work on) and design the next year. This provides a solid foundation to launch the new year.
Who: All Employees or Selected Group
Time: Full Day or Half Day Workshop [Depending on the size of the group] or Online Interactive Session

Brainstorming Workshop
Open the floodgate of ideas by having Suzan Oran facilitate your Brainstorming session.
Purpose: To discover a wealth of creative solutions for a particular challenge while empowering your team to be creative thinkers.
Who: All Employees or Selected Group
Time: Three – Four Hours (Depending on the size of the group)
Project Design Workshop
Have a new level of clarity and excitement about your projects.
Purpose: To increase the level of success with projects by using a powerful design that includes a meaningful purpose, clear intended results, identified milestones, and a format to follow through for success.
Who: All Employees or Selected Group [Anyone with important projects that will take place over 3+ months
Time: Two – Three Hours (Depending on the size of the group)
Effective Communication Workshop
Purpose: To provide core communication and relationship distinctions to strengthen your ability to powerfully operate as a team consistent with your Mission/Vision Statement.
Who: All employees or selected group
Time: Full day workshop or Online Interactive Group Sessions
High Performance Workshop
Purpose: To provide the benefit of both group brainstorming and direct coaching to powerfully apply the communication and relationship distinctions from the “Effective Communication Workshop”. To foster a level of mastery with producing measurable results in work projects and day to day challenges.
Who: All Employees or Selected Group
Time: Half Day Workshop or Online Interactive Group Sessions
Prerequisite: Effective Communication Workshop
Extraordinary Relationships Workshop
Purpose: To provide distinctions that 1) Increase your awareness and 2) Increase your access to having extraordinary relationships. It is our “soft skills” that make people highly effective. They are catalytic for all of our other skills. It allows us to make the best use, apply and leverage our talent, knowledge, etc..
Who: All Employees or Selected Group
Time: Half Day Workshop or Online Interactive Group Sessions
Productivity Workshop
Purpose: To intentionally have a breakthrough in your productivity and access peak performance. We will distinguish what produces results and then provide tools for you to manage those results over time. This is a “roll up your sleeves and get to work” type program.
Who: All Employees or Selected Group (max of 12 participants per Online program)
Time: Half Day In Person or Online Interactive Group Sessions